Road Safety and Transport

Adverse Weather Information for parents can be accessed here.

Road Safety 

In school we regularly cover road safety issues in class.  As a parent you need to continually reinforce our message.  Pupils must know and be able to use the Green Cross Code.  Around school they must pay particular attention to where they cross the road.  There are many parked cars near the school, particularly at either end of the school day.

Parents can assist us by parking sensibly when they come to drop off or pick up pupils.  It is illegal to park on the yellow zigzag lines outside the school gates.

When leaving or boarding the school bus pupils need to take extra care.   They must never leave or board without adult supervision.

Some pupils may wish to cycle to and from school.  There is a small bike shed within the school grounds but it is not secure.  Pupils will need to provide their own padlocks.  In any case bikes are brought to school at pupil’s own risk.


The Highland Council school transport policy can be viewed here